— 2014
I would like to showcase your products on my tech & gaming channel. www.youtube.com/swiftkaratechop We produce content in 14 days or less from receiving product. This would be cross-promotional as well, on my Facebook & Twitter. https://www.twitter.com/swiftkaratechop https://www.twitter.com/youkre8gaming https://twitter.com/MobileGXtreme https://www.facebook.com/Matthew-Brian-Brown-193287486969/ http://instagram.com/mattswifty I specialize in Paid-Search and Digital Marketing, and I use all of my social platforms, create above the fold CTAs, & more. The larger the budget, the more users I can reach. I have a great following for video on Facebook & Twitter as well. We average 100,000+ reach on a minimum cross-platform campaign. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HOW WILL I EXECUTE THIS? Contact me for a Detailed explanation. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WHO I AM. In the digital world, Brown has been known by many names. https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthewbrianbrown *I can also help you grow someone else’s video this cost $20 CPM ($0.02 CPV) for whatever number you’d like** ##JUST ASK##
SwiftKarateChop posted at twitter
— 2014
SwiftKarateChop posted at twitter
— 2014
SwiftKarateChop posted at twitter
— 2014
SwiftKarateChop posted at twitter
— 2014
SwiftKarateChop posted at twitter
— 2014
SwiftKarateChop posted at twitter
— 2014
SwiftKarateChop posted at twitter
— 2014
SwiftKarateChop posted at twitter
— 2014
SwiftKarateChop posted at twitter
— 2014
SwiftKarateChop posted at twitter
— 2014