Group 139


Worldwide Influencer Network

Tap into a vast network of influencers across the globe, ranging from niche experts to global superstars, ensuring you find the perfect match for your brand, no matter where you are.

Group 139


Comprehensive Marketing Tools

Utilize our full suite of marketing tools designed for global enterprises, streamlining your influencer marketing campaigns from start to finish.

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Strategic Global Campaigns

Plan and execute influencer marketing campaigns with a global perspective, ensuring cohesive and impactful brand messaging across all markets.

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Seamless Integration

Integrate seamlessly with your existing marketing stack, enhancing efficiency and ensuring a unified approach to global influencer marketing.

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Safe and Secure Transactions

Enjoy peace of mind with our secure and transparent transaction system, ensuring safe and smooth collaborations with influencers worldwide.



Chief Marketing Officer MGID

Nikolas Rekeda

Publicfast combines the ability to simply search for opinion leaders and create advertising campaigns with them.


Chief Content Officer. Allset

Dmitri Nikulin

This platform saved my time and money. Thanks to Publicfast we expanded the loyalty to our brand.


CEO & Co-founder Mid-Market

Ross K.

The best thing about Publicfast that it’s easy to use. You really need only one day to start the campaign. What I like the best is that Publicfast offers clear and detailed analytics after the end of the campaign.

Ready to take your influencer marketing to the next level?

    • Discover 20M+ influencer
    • 30+ filtering tools
    • Create Lists of Creators
    • Export Lists
    • Over 180K opt-in creators on the platform
    • Create influencer s campaign across multiple social media
    • Pay the influencers once they confirm the work on the platform
    • Barter/ Product sampling campaign
    • Campaign analytics
    • Instant messaging with creators on the platform
    • All payments secure by Publicfast


  • How does cater to the unique needs of enterprises and global organizations?

    We offer a global network of influencers, comprehensive tools, and strategic support tailored to the scale and complexity of enterprise and global organization campaigns, ensuring success in every market.

  • Can we trust the transaction process on for large-scale global campaigns?

    Absolutely. Our transaction system is secure, transparent, and designed to handle the complexities of large-scale global campaigns, ensuring a smooth and secure collaboration with influencers worldwide.

  • How does support brand consistency across global influencer marketing campaigns?

    Our platform enables you to strategically plan and execute influencer marketing campaigns with a global perspective, ensuring cohesive brand messaging and consistency across all markets.

  • What kind of influencers can we connect with through

    Connect with a diverse range of influencers, from niche experts to global superstars, ensuring the perfect match for your brand’s unique needs and global aspirations.

  • How does ensure the success of our global influencer marketing campaigns?

    With our comprehensive tools, strategic support, and global influencer network, we provide everything needed to plan, execute, and optimize your influencer marketing campaigns for success in every market.